The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53452   Message #1058408
Posted By: the lemonade lady
21-Nov-03 - 07:53 AM
Thread Name: Bedworth Folk Festival 29th Nov 2002
Subject: RE: Bedworth Folk Festival 29th Nov 2002
It's the 29th and 30th November... is anyone interested?

Here's some info I received as an Email:

We (Bedworth Folk Festival) rely heavily on "Indoor Camping" having about
100 indoor campers as we are in November (just next week-end in fact, thanks
for the opportunity to mention that!) not many people fancy tenting. We
charge £3.00 for the week-end (i.e. 2 nights) with all the money going to
the local scouts and St john Ambulance who kindly let us use their buildings
for the week-end.

We have previously also used a local youth centre, but council regulations
eventually prevented us from using "overnight".

We feel everyone wins with a decent contribution going to the organisations
and no objections to the £3.00 charge for staying in the comfort of a heated
building rather than a tent at this time of the year - I also understand
that the "through the night" singarounds are also popular with some hardy
types - fortunately there is a separate room for those insomniacs!

Just thought someone might find it useful.
