The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64601   Message #1058576
Posted By: Peg
21-Nov-03 - 11:50 AM
Thread Name: Warrant issued for Michael Jackson
Subject: RE: Warrant issued for Michael Jackson
I agree with Sinsull, that any parent who knowingly lets their child visit Neverland with the previous allegations in place who then excepts to GET MONEY as the result of a lawsuit involving their children being victimized by an accused pedophile (though he was ever convicted of the crime), is every bit as horrible (and actualy moreso) then an actual pedophile. Pedophiles are sick and need help. Calculating, greedy parents who willfuly place their children in harm's way (at the very least subjecting them to psychological trauma)   in   order to profit or get media attention are the lowest of the low. What a pig-trough of a nation we have become.

I agree the guy is weird and his   behavior troubling, but I do think his performing and songs has been loved by millions, and I do pity him; what sort of demons of self-loathing drive a man to do what he's done to himself? He has given a lot of his money to help others, and not many other wealthy stars have done this.

I agree it may be possible he has very circumspect sexuality and that sharing his bed with children may be some weird Peter Pan neurosis that is entirely innocent, in his mind. But the guy is, again, weird, and it would be impossible for any child visiting his ranch not to have heard about the previous acusations. Again: what are the parents thinking?????

Does no one claim responsibility for their own actions anymore???? Why is every horrific occurrence in our country, from Columbine to 9-11, a chance for people to make money?