The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64660   Message #1058678
Posted By: JedMarum
21-Nov-03 - 03:01 PM
Thread Name: Brian McNeill's 'Scots Women' CD
Subject: McNeill's SCOTS WOMEN cd
In a recent thread about incest songs I mentioned a recording produced by Brian McNeill (founding member of Battlefield Band, and Scottish folk musician extraordinairre) called Scots Women. I though that this record was quite worth mentioning in its own thread.

I relaize how important this collection has become to me over the year or so I've had it, and thought that many of the Mudcatters who appreciate the roots music, especially Scottish folk, would really also love the record.

Brian and freinds gathered a 16 Scottish folk singers and produced a live show, recorded it and created the CD. This is a varied and rich collection. I hope those Mudcatters already familiar with the CD will speak up in this thread. And those who are not, I hope you'll at least take a look at the link above.