The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64636   Message #1058746
Posted By: Bobert
21-Nov-03 - 05:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Any Predictions for the U.S.?
Subject: RE: BS: Any Predictions for the U.S.?

"Facist thinking" is appropriate. Bush and Co, first stole an election and have since been trying very hard to solidy power. That is an element of faciam. Centralized power. Second, in demanding he gets everything he wants by demonizg his opponents as un-patriotic, Bush has taken sreps to curtail other opinions other than his. And thirdly, using 9/11 as an excuse he has pushed thru the Patriot Act and we know what thats all about... Or should... (I know you do, Amos).

So, yeah, I'm aware that those folks who harbor facist leanings, though they ma be repulsed by the nazis, have done a fine PR job on painting any one who uses the term as a whacko whoes observations must be, ahhhh, wrong... But if it walks like a duck and talks....

Yeah, I have mentioned in another thread Russ Bellant's book "Old Nazis, the New Right and the Republican Party". Makes ya' think. Maybe it's time to take on the right wings PR guys and take back some words that they think they have taken off the table...
