The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13009   Message #105880
Posted By: catspaw49
17-Aug-99 - 01:36 PM
I CAN'T STAND IT !!!!!!!!! I swore I was going to kick your ass if you started another "Best" type thread because they completely hook me.....but I give up. So here we go...................

ANY Alistair Maclean novel made into a movie---Howard Hughes watched "Ice Station Zebra" continually, a true dipstick, rich, but a dipstick.

ANY movie having a plot line involving sailing...Most sports are seldom portrayed with accuracy, but sailing takes the worst pounding of all. Complete Crap!!!

ANY martial arts specialist thingy-----and with great shame I admit to being hooked on one of the WORST, Steven Segal fare. I don't know why, maybe it's for the laughs they give me.......

ANY movie starring Mike Myers, Adam Sandler, Arnold the Schwarz, the Kung-Fu street fighter asshole with the hyphenated name............I've relented some on Jim Carrey.

ANY Disney Toon-O-Movie rewriting history. The real stories are often better to begin with.

ANY movie with cute, wonderful, brilliant, creative, resourceful, and intelligent little urchins that also portrays adults as complete scmucks.

ANY movie where 99.9% of the audience walks out saying, "Oh wasn't that cute, really a sweet film....just darling. My Aunt Cashew and Uncle Filbert will just LOVE it!"

ANY BioPic or DocuDrama that strays so far from the facts as to be unrecognizable.

ANY "Blockbuster" Parody, ie. "Silence of the Hams"...a turkey of epic proportion.

ANY movie whose pace is so slow and takes so long to develop that I could string 3 Hammered Dulcimers and an Autoharp while the plotline was building....Sorry my Irish friends, but "Waking Ned Divine" fits the bill here.

Geez......What do I watch?
