The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64711   Message #1059685
Posted By: Robin2
23-Nov-03 - 11:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: my stroke anniversary
Subject: BS: my stroke anniversary
Well guys, this month marks the one year anniversary of my stroke. It has been an interesting year, and here is where I am now...

This time last year, I couldn't walk. I now walk 4 miles a day.

This time last year, I couldn't read, or understand math. Although math is still slow, I can read, and type this!

My music? This is the hard part for me... I can't play my instrument well at all, and the band has sort of fallen apart. I can't find interest in playing when all I can do is shake an egg, or beat simple time on a drum. My mind knows the music, but the hand won't do it. Add this to another member with Parkinsons, and we need to change the name of the band to Cripple Creek!

So I have come a long way, but have lost something else. I would like to think I can still get it all back, but after a year, it gets discouraging.
