The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64597   Message #1060416
Posted By: Steve Parkes
25-Nov-03 - 04:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Master and Commander FSOTW reviews
Subject: RE: BS: Master and Commander FSOTW reviews
I often have this image popping into my mind's eye of a ship's crew fot Nelson's time crowding round the "Rum, Sodomy and The Lash" section of the notice board, and saying things like "Oh bugger, he's put me down for sodomy again!", "Anybody want to swap their 'lash' for my 'rum?"

Mabe I should get out more!

I understand thet Capt Cook relaxed the rules on singing on his Australia-seeking voyage. One of his captains, William Bligh, wouldn't have it, though.
