The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64759   Message #1060961
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
25-Nov-03 - 08:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: How do you Convince a Moron...
Subject: RE: BS: How do you Convince a Moron...
The attacks of 09/11/01 were an assault upon all the people of the World. They presented Bush with an opportunity to reach out to the entire world and work together with other leaders to not just try to eliminate terrorism, but to solve the problems to which terrorism is a response. Instead, he took the attitude that the attack was strictly an attack against the US and that the US is justified in doing whatever it wants to do as long as "fighting terrorism" is the goal. As a result, worldwide opinion of the US is at the lowest point it has ever been.

We live in a truly global society and George W. Bush is simply not a person who thinks in global terms. He ignores the opinions of other world leaders and citizens and does whatever he wants. His arrogant actions will turn around and bite him on the ass sooner or later. Unfortunately, when the bite comes he'll be safe inside a bunker under a mountain somewhere while you and I bleed.
