The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54680   Message #1061428
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
26-Nov-03 - 02:20 PM
Thread Name: promotion of your trad CDs in US
Subject: RE: promotion of your trad CDs in US
Claire - I don't have it in front of me at the moment, but I do remember the information that your sheet contained was good. It gave me something to talk about when I played the CD!   Trust me, most of us love having something like this because it ends up making us sound intelligent when we talk!   The truth is out!

One more item - it really helps to include pronunciation guides if you have an unusual name or if the title of the song is in another language.   I've had discussion with my peers at the Folk Alliance and when people come across a name that they cannot pronounce, they will avoid playing the piece on the air. Those of us who do shows realize that our audience is knowledgeable and we do not like to look stupid.   Because I host a Celtic show in addition to my folk show, I do make the extra effort to try and find the proper pronuciation if it isn't included, but most hosts won't bother.   You will be surprised at how much additional airplay you will receive with this "extra" effort.

I've always felt a bit embarrased because I do not speak Irish.   I felt better one day when I had a guest who is with a prominent Irish band and asked him (off mic) about the pronunciation of a particular tune. His answer of "I have no idea... I just call it xxxxx" made me feel a lot better! It isn't just me!

As to your question about wrapped or unwrapped, I don't think it really matters. This question was asked at the Folk Alliance and the response was mixed.   I do think it looks more professional to have it on.