The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64764   Message #1061873
Posted By: John Hardly
27-Nov-03 - 05:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hillary Clinton?
Subject: RE: BS: Hillary Clinton?
there is, to me, something unsettling about the way things seem to be shaping up in presidential politics...

The USA is proving that mankind demands a monarchy. How ironic (G. Washington is spinning).

We could concievably have a Clinton or a Bush for the forseeable future -- and with no other qualification than the name(s).

A country of 200M and we can't find ANYONE more capable than a Bush or a Clinton? God save the....

We seem to be under the collective illusion that president=king. what I think it stems from is a childish notion that government=daddy/mommy -- a huge parent whose job it is to care for all of us in our minutest need.

Give me a weak president and a strong congreff any day.

As for Dynasties -- I didn't even like "Dallas", much less a hack spin-off.