The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64725   Message #1062032
Posted By: Guy Wolff
27-Nov-03 - 11:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Love, Actually...
Subject: RE: BS: Love, Actually...
                   Well I went last night.I loved it and will buy it when it comes out. I was very touched by Emma Tomson's situation. Shes such a class act.Her pulling herself together in the bedroom while the kids are opening the gifts had me balling .
                        I Loved Colin Firth's story line.He was a very brave character in this one . I wish the fat jokes would go away but I can live with that .
                I realy liked the porn stars being polite and bussness like and how real affection changes everything. I think that was a great way of showing the difference between sex and love. A little contrived but a great message.
                   Hugh Grant was quute again. I dont mind . The story line was great . I loved his sister saying " Youd be just his type 20 years ago. " It is amazing at funerels and hard life moments people are so good at speaking truths.
                   The relaytionship between the boy and his step-day was just wonderful. THey were both amazing !!! THat story line was not surup at all just human nobilaty..
                   I loved to tention Rowen Atkinson added at his two vinyetts.
                   THere is a reason this movey is a succsess. The human need for love and nurturing interaction is a hunger and need we all have. Its very hard for some people to come to grips with this stuff and so sarcasum prevails . As one of the rabbits in the cartoon vertion of Robin Hood said to Prince John. " You need a Mommy real bad" . No now that I think of it it was Peter Pans daughter in the move Hook talking to a very bad Dustin Haufmin .
       All the best to all here. Guy