The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63952   Message #1062092
Posted By: YorkshireYankee
27-Nov-03 - 01:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bereavement
Subject: RE: BS: Bereavement
Animaterra wrote:
I'm learning that this New Planet has some paths that are fairly smooth and straight, but also land mines, ambushes, booby traps. Just when I think I'm getting "better" I get assaulted by a torrent of tears. Yesterday driving home from work there was no obvious trigger- I had to pull the car over, as I was wracked by sobs.
Those episodes are exhausting and take hours to recover from.

For what it's worth... I know that this is not unusual(from talks with a dear friend who lost her husband very suddenly a couple of years ago). This is *not* to belittle what's happening to you -- rather to reassure you that your reactions are not "over-reactions". You are attempting to "tolerate" the intolerable. We are complex creatures; the event which turns a life upside down may take only moments, but it takes too bloody many of those moments to regain some small semblance of equilibrium. Life would be so much easier if it didn't... what can I say?

Just know that you are not alone -- in more senses than one.
