The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64813   Message #1062558
Posted By: Kim C
28-Nov-03 - 10:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Baghdad gets Bushwhacked
Subject: RE: BS: Baghdad gets Bushwhacked
Well, Peter, people are accusing him of taking advantage of going to Baghdad in the middle of the night. Who's to say they wouldn't do the same with funerals?

All right Kendall, I'll see if I can answer your question. I didn't vote for Bush. He wasn't my choice for President. But he's what we got, and I believe we have to make the best of the situation. It isn't so much that I like or dislike George Bush as much as it is that I respect the office of the President. It isn't an easy job to be President, and I truly believe that the people who are most qualified and would do the best job, are WAY too smart to want the job in the first place! Anyhow I am always willing to give someone a chance, and I would have given Al Gore a chance too, if he were in the office. I don't know if that makes any sense or not, but that's the best answer I can give.

There are a couple of things I like about Bush. I liked that at the Olympics, he sat in the stands with the US athletes, and graciously took Sasha Cohen's cell phone to talk to her mother when she handed it to him. I like that he carries his own dog. He seems to inspire confidence in the people who admire him. He has at least enough smarts to surround himself with smart people. I have always believed that a good leader is aware of his/her weaknesses, and will choose a cabinet of people who can make up for those shortcomings.

There were things I liked about Clinton, too. He always seemed like the sort of person I could have over to the house for beer and pizza. I did vote for him the first time, because I believed he had a lot of potential. I still think he could have been a great President. But I also think a lot of men who could have been great Presidents were held back by the people around them, and by other circumstances beyond their control.

As for Hillary going to Afghanistan...... she's a Senator. There isn't anything unusual about Senators travelling to foreign countries. It simply isn't big news. Now, I think her heart is probably in the right place. And while I have never liked her much, I am willing to give her a chance too.