The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64813   Message #1062591
Posted By: sledge
28-Nov-03 - 10:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Baghdad gets Bushwhacked
Subject: RE: BS: Baghdad gets Bushwhacked
Somehow I don't See bush doing this because it made him feel nice, Would US taxpayers appreciate that use of how many Millions of dollars.

Secret visit my arse, he obviously had on hand his picked camera/news team who would edit and relaease only what they saw fit from this highly scripted event. Can't have any inadvertant screw ups making it to CNN.

As for attending funerals, that would show some guts, facing up to the ultimate price of his orders, but no don't want to loose any votes.

The troops were happy to see him?, yes, as some one said, how many troops are going to stand up in front of him and tell him he's an ass. Anyone who has been in the military will, if they were honest, will tell you that when you meet senior officers/politicians its a case of yes sir, no sir three bags full sir, NEXT! I was 11 years in the Navy and I never saw any other response to that kind of roadshow.

Brave no I don't think so, that has to have the highest level of protection provided for anyone, given that he is already one of the best protected men on the planet. And this following the visit to the UK where the security was almost paranoid in its intensity.

Get used to those film clips you'll see them a lot come election time.