The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64813   Message #1062830
Posted By: Big Mick
29-Nov-03 - 12:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Baghdad gets Bushwhacked
Subject: RE: BS: Baghdad gets Bushwhacked
People who have been schooled in critical thought and intelligent debate know enough to first question the predicate. Those who are not skilled in these areas, when confronted with questions that are outside their ability to respond to (because they fall outside their preconceived notions and pat answers), ignore the question. When confronted their only response is to say "forget it, you will never be happy".

Of course this was a photo op, and a play to overcome a perceptual problem. All politicians do this, including the ones I have supported over the years. It is not uncommon to use what is available in current events. Are the mans actions hypocritical, given what he is doing legislatively? Absolutely. This "Patriot President" is doing all he can to destroy the American Middle Class and increase the gap between the have and have nots in this country. You can see it every day in the lost manufacturing jobs, an economy that is increasing in its profits, but creating no new jobs (in this country, at least), and a business sector that is perfectly willing to sacrifice our standard of living in favor of increased profitability coming from emerging countries.

Is he sincere about visiting our troops? I believe he is very sincere in his admiration of them and their sacrifice. In fact, within the very narrow scope of lifting morale of these soldiers, I applaud him. In the larger scope of his policies, he should be condemned for putting them there without a follow on plan for the restoration of the country; without adequate funding to accomplish it; and for endangering them with a misogynistic, "America is the greatest..." attitude.

In reading this debate, it is clear to me that Peter T, even though it is crystal clear he despises the man, is right on. He asks the tough questions that the supporters of GWB refuse to answer. His answer to the issue of whether the President has time is absolutely right on. Just a phone call, anything. Of course, the answer to the question is very simple, though, friend Peter. The President has a duty to do those things that will keep up public support for his policies. That is not wrong. It would make no sense whatever for him to do any public thing that would decrease support for a policy that he believes (presumably)is the right thing to do. Were he to draw attention to the dead, it would result in a loss of public support for a policy that he believes is correct. Were I in his shoes, I likely would do the same thing. Rather than try to paint him as an evil man with less than honorable intentions (I do not think this is totally true), it is much better to show that his plans in this arena and others, is just plain faulty. The outcome is becoming easier to see all the time.
