The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64813   Message #1063058
Posted By: Bobert
29-Nov-03 - 10:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Baghdad gets Bushwhacked
Subject: RE: BS: Baghdad gets Bushwhacked
Well, there is another aspect of "The Trip" that could come back to haunt Bush and that is if he falls back into his predictable behavior of ignoring the troops, other than in his rhetoric... I mean, can you imagine an ad, run by a Dean/Clark ticket with images of veterans in VA hospitals and vets in the middle of war and then *the voice* comes on and says "George Bush" as the images of Bush standing on the carrier deck with the "Mission Accomplished" banner behind him, then to Bush eating dinner in Bahgdad and then a final shot of a Bush as a Texas Air National Guardsman with "A.W.O.L" accross his chest and then *the voice* says "Security is not a part time job" as the image of A.W.O.L. image fades and a picture of Dean and Clark (in uniform) take its place...

Whaddayathink, Big Mick....

(I'm available....)
