The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64764   Message #1063722
Posted By: Peg
01-Dec-03 - 11:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hillary Clinton?
Subject: RE: BS: Hillary Clinton?
I like her. She is   smart, compassionate, and seems to see the big picture (like her husband).

I do not comprehend the accusations of "carpetbagger' against her, since the vast majority of state senators   serve states other than those they were born in...

I am not sure why anyone would call her dishonest. What has she lied about, exactly, that has affected her constituency in a   negative way? Investments that are no one's business? Isn't it also dishonest to, say, lie about trading arms for hostages, or undermine women's reproductive rights with a series of cleverly-rhetorical bills designed to infuse fetuses with civil rights, or to invade a poor country where some Saudi Arabian terrorist MIGHT be hiding (that country invaded is not Saudi Arabia, oddly enough) just to show a propensity for revenge, or to claim there are weapons of mass destruction where there aren't any?

There are lies, and there are damn lies. And there are lies that will bury us.