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Thread #64813   Message #1063737
Posted By: GUEST
01-Dec-03 - 11:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Baghdad gets Bushwhacked
Subject: RE: BS: Baghdad gets Bushwhacked
Bush has been careful to only suggest through innuendo that Saddam was linked to 9/11, but he has suggested regularly enough. If Teribus needs a specific cite for each speech in which he did it, that can be found.

More to the point, the vice president, the national security advisor, and the secretary of defense, as well as a number of Rumseld's underlings like Wolfowitz and Armitage have made public policy speeches suggesting more strongly than Bush has that Saddam was linked to 9/11.

I mean really Teribus, do you really think the 60% of the American electorate that believes Saddam was linked to 9/11 came up with the idea on their own? Of course they didn't. The link has been made routinely through innuendo and linking of one bad guy (bin Laden) to the other bad guy (Saddam) until the polls showed that the American electorate bought the Big Lie, and gave it as one of two reasons to support Bush's war against Iraq. The other reason was the other Big Lie: WMD.

One could also find cites for the administration's policy speeches linking Saddam, and you certainly could hear it regularly on the Faux News channel as the drumbeat for war heated up throughout 2002 and early 2003 before the war started. It is part and parcel of the misinformation campaign undertaken by the administration's highest officials, to sell the American people on the war.

And Teribus, anyone who says differently is damn liar.