The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64835   Message #1063756
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
01-Dec-03 - 12:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should Bush be 'Recalled'?
Subject: RE: BS: Should Bush be 'Recalled'?
Claymore is trolling, as usual. And those master's degrees can be had from any number of fine Internet establishments for the cost of the parchment and postage. We all get spam from those places.

His facts have been disproved on any number of other threads. But like a typical far-right Republican, he hopes that by couching his opinion in the form of "fact" that no one will question his diddling with the truth and will (perhaps) accept his view as correct and vote accordingly.

Dubya will manage to out-Nixon Nixon with his lying and cheating in office. All of the charges leveled against Clinton that in their convoluted manner tied in with the Whitewater development were all found in court to be BOGUS. The Paula Jones (and subsequent Monika Lewinski) womanizing charges were an offshoot of the same Arkansas investigations, all paid for by Richard Mellon Scaife. Hillary was right. It was a conspiracy.