The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64764   Message #1063834
Posted By: Peg
01-Dec-03 - 02:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hillary Clinton?
Subject: RE: BS: Hillary Clinton?
Exactly. Most people who think she is 'dishonest' tend to mean it as a general impression and don't actually have any specific facts or evidence to base it far no one who has offered that opinion has offered anything solid to back it up.

As for her demeanor on TV, I saw her on a Sunday Morning segment yesterday in a piece about her friendship of four decades with a woman she has known since grammar school. They both smiled and laughed together and were physically affectionate with one another. I am sure if she showed this side in public more often people would think she was "too feminine" or "emotional." She talked a great deal about the Lewinsky thing prompting her to wear a neutral expression, public because she knew that if she ever appeared angry or emotional, the media would have a field day with it, and the Republicans would eat it up and point to it as proof that Bill's infidelity (which was only her business, and his, and no one else's) was clearly monstrous and indicative of an evil heartless ruler who would ruin the country. They tried to do that in any case.

Kinda hard for her to win anyone's approval when so many people are just looking for reasons to be against her. This seems to be true of so many women in the political arena. Why?