The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64764   Message #1063972
Posted By: Bobert
01-Dec-03 - 05:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hillary Clinton?
Subject: RE: BS: Hillary Clinton?
Well, gol-danged?!?!?!.... Ain't this sumthin'?.... Hillary Clinto fir president?.... You all jokin' I'm sure... You know that womenz can't be no presidents... Says so right there in the Bible... Plus they're moody and bossy and okay, answer me this one... Like there's Hillary in some kind o' important meetin' repersentin' the united sates of America and well, I don't know no other way to put it but, ahhh, its that time of month... See where I'm going with this one, don'tcha, boys... So like some one says somethin' that they thought was nice, like, ahhh, "yer hair looks nice" an' next thing you know a danged stapler is zinging by yer danged ear at 95 miles an hour!!!... You all want that??? Heck no, you don't... Presidentin' is men work... Says so right in the Bible... Okay answer me this one, will ya?... Why the heck do they say *Mister President* anyway... Well, gotcha thinkin' now, don't I? Huh? Admit it...An' everybody knows that no woman can lie like a man, right? An' if yer gonna be a President yer gonna have to lie real good, right? It's right there in the Bible... I mean look at George Bush, will ya!... Now that5's the ways its done, folks. No pussy-footin' around with him, no sir... You think Hillary Clinton can lie like that?!?!?... No way... She don't hold a run down flashlight to him... That's some serious presidentin'!... Serious... And lastly, I never met a woman that liked a good ol' fashion war!?!?!?... Now you can't have that. War's good for the economy... Says so right in the Bible... Yup, you want to keep the econmomy rollin', don'tch?... Well then don't electercate no womens 'er it'll be 1929 all over again... I promise... I hope I've gotten you all straightened out so I don't gotta give you all no refresher course on this subject... geeze...
