The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64764   Message #1064095
Posted By: Bobert
01-Dec-03 - 08:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hillary Clinton?
Subject: RE: BS: Hillary Clinton?
GUEST, pdc:

That's exactly what I was sayin in the first place... Hey, no woman in the world can hang in a "pissing contest" with a man. No, that ain't in the Bible but it sure 'nuff in Bridgeman's Anatomy book... Jus' further everdince that womenz ain't 'spozed to do nuthin' but have babies, cook and drive the kids to soccer. An' that is in the Bible, I'm sure...

So you all womenz that got any presidental amitions, firget it... We men are doing a fine job running the joint...

You all got it, yet????.......
