The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64759   Message #1064142
Posted By: Ebbie
01-Dec-03 - 09:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: How do you Convince a Moron...
Subject: RE: BS: How do you Convince a Moron...
f I see a lady with hairy armpits, I draw a cerain conclusion about her.* Wrong or right, I think she's lazy. Mickey, that's not my conclusion at all (I suppose one could say that about bearded men, though, at least those who let it all spritz out every which direction), it seems to me that the "lady" ("lady?" What's wrong with 'woman'?) is almost invariably of a certain age. Count back to the 60s and you'll probably discover that they were involved in that movement. And there is no harm in that; I think it is interesting. Those heady days made history.

"It a signal, Eb, between guys, that they are signing up for certain ways of conduct and beliefs and such. "See? I'm on board! I'm wearing a tie! I'll choke the Ego for the sake of Getting Along!" or something like that..." Ah, but Amos, that's not really an explanation at all. Let me put it to you again: Why do men wear ties? To keep gravy off their shirts? To bring color to their faces? For the sheer comfort of them? To please their womenfolk? If the latter is the answer, then there is a direct correlation between tie wearing and underarm shaving...