The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64764   Message #1064416
Posted By: Bobert
02-Dec-03 - 09:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hillary Clinton?
Subject: RE: BS: Hillary Clinton?
Danged friggin' right, Little Hawk... Looks like them boyz is having more fun over there. Heck, they get to sit 'round scratchin' an' spittin' an' drivin' their SUV's an' havin' their wars an' do you think for one minute they gotta grind up no gray matter doin' it? Heck no, they don't. Get all their political positions right off the bumper stickers form their neigbors pickup trucks... Now, that's livin' folks... An' you don't hear their womenz whinin' 'bout wantin' to do no presidentin', no sir... This is waht America is all about... It's right there in the Bible, Little Hawk...

An' I'll tell you somethin else 'bout joining the Republicans... Yer always gonna be in the winner's circle on Election Day... Hey, they got it all rigged up... Who cares as long as we can stand in the winners circle with them flashbulbs a'poppin' and all, right? That's what I mean... Shoot, you think yer gonna stand in a winner's circle with a bunch o' danged womenz? Heck no, you ain't... All they do is a bunch of "he said, she said stuff" that you can't hardly keep up with... An; you try to get 'em to talk about Stroker Ace 'er Fireball Smith 'er football an' they just go an' ignore yer sorry butt...

You want a president that cares more about kids and gosip than car racin' and football?!?!?... Heck, no!!!

An' worser yet, if them womenz takes over they still gonna make us put the danged toilet seat down... There just ain't no danged justice... Yep, if fir no other gol-danged reason in the world to keep the womenz out the White House, other than as First ladies, then that one alone shoud be enough!!!...

Danged, Iz gettin' ill as a sore tailed cat..

Where do I sign up, Dougie???...

