The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64759   Message #1064436
Posted By: Peg
02-Dec-03 - 10:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: How do you Convince a Moron...
Subject: RE: BS: How do you Convince a Moron...
okay, more thread drift...It may   be true that *some* women are too "lazy" to shave, but again, that brings it into the realm of hygiene, too, doesn't it? Does that mean women who do not wear make-up are also lazy? Maybe they just don't need it, or just plain don't want to. I've had more than one ignorant person assume I must be a lesbian because I don't shave under my arms. Actually, most of the lesbians I know who I have had occasion to see in summer clothes or at clothing-optional campsites like the one I go to each summer, DO shave there.

But why does your theory not apply to French women? This is just too inconsistent to make sense. This also clearly points out that we are talking about a cultural norm. Use of the term "red-blooded" always means to me, men too insecure about their sexuality to accept any sort of look or practice beyond the screamingly "normal." How dull. Bleached blonde, hairless, loads of make-up, high heels, spandex...yawn.

The crystal deodorant comment doesn't make sense. I do not use that product regularly, but in my experience it is not a problem, and the ones I do use do not leave any residue.

As for the age thing, I know MANY women of ALL ages who do not shave under their arms, from 16 to 60. Some shave their legs, some do not. The amount of body hair they have sometimes prompts these choices. If I had the small amount of pale leg hair some of my friends have, I might opt not to shave my legs, either. But it's not the case, so I do. It's an aesthetic choice as well; I like the way underarm hair looks.

I am certainly not lazy about my grooming, but I can only speak for myself. I have lovely long hair and I wear lipstick every day and skirts and dresses half the time. When I worked as an exotic dancer, I had to shave everything. Now I choose to shave my legs only. It seems to be okay with Europeans, who do not see such grooming habits as indicative of femininity or lack thereof. Then again, they do not get all freaked out by a bit of nudity either.