The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64916   Message #1064465
Posted By: ThomasO
02-Dec-03 - 11:03 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Fanny Blair (Uncensored!!)
Subject: Lyr Add: FANNY BLAIR (from Christine Hendry)
Hey Mudcat,

After a discussion/singing lesson with Christine Hendry the other day I learnt this fantastically dark version of Fanny Blair. It seems like it may of been the original which was 'cleaned up' by Cecil Sharp. Her Notes read:

"This song deals with the alleged sexual abuse of a child.
It is a Broadside Ballad from the 16th century.
At the beginning of the 20th century, a more discreet version was published by Cecil Sharp. The little girl was a young woman of 18 years and the accusation was one of theft. Broadside prints and oral versions concur in stating that it was a sex crime and that Fanny was a little perjurer."

Anyway as well as wanting to spread this variation, I wondered if anyone had any history of the song and also did Cecil Sharp censor a lot of songs? Does anyone have any more pre CS versions of songs? To me his censorship took a lot away from the impact of the songs. What do people think?

Thanks a lot, Tom


Come all you young fellows, wherever that you be
Beware of false witness and sad perjury
For by a young female I am wounded full soon
And you see I'm cut down in the height of me bloom.

It was last Monday morning I lay in me bed
When a young man came to me and unto me said,
"Rise up, Henry Higgins, and flee you elsewhere
For they're bound out against you on the word of Fanny Blair!"

Fanny Blair is a girl of eleven year old
And though I were dying the truth must be told
I never had dealings with her in me time
And now I must die for another man's crime.

Well the trial wore on and Squire Vernon was there
And onto the table they lift this Fanny Blair
Well the lies she came out with I'm ashamed for to tell
But the judge spoke up quick saying, "You've told us it well."

When the people all heard that young Higgins was to die
They rose up against her with a murmuring cry
We'll catch her and crop her for she's a perjuring young whore
Young Higgins is innocent of that we're all sure.

Just one last request before I meet me doom
Don't bury me here in the prison yard so far from me home
Lay me body to rest in the sweet Bramwell mould
And I pray that the Lord pardon that little girl's soul.