The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64938   Message #1065461
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
04-Dec-03 - 10:09 AM
Thread Name: MUDCAT Christmas Tavern 2003
Subject: RE: BS: MUDCAT Christmas Tavern 2003
Larry, you call that little eye patch and dixie cups on a string a bathing suit? Where did Genie do her shopping?!

I noticed the small print on the side of the tub--it said "suggested seating--16 really really big adults--may hold up to 24 of the more standard size adults". And cannonballs are forbidden!

catsPHiddle, did you notice the trapeze harness hanging from the ceiling? If you look up into the rafters (since we have a nice cathedral ceiling in here) you'll see a couple of pipes and a pully system. Just fasten yourself into the harness and adjust the tension on the line so it keeps you upright and you can walk around the room without the stick. Just don't get tangled in the tree, and for god's sake, no one push that little red button beside the bar while she's wearing it! I hate to think of what could happen. . .