The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64921   Message #1065527
Posted By: Midchuck
04-Dec-03 - 12:21 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Dirty limericks [12]
Subject: RE: BS: Dirty limericks
There was once an old Bey of Algiers
Who said to his harem: "My dears,
Though you may think it odd o' me,
I'm giving up sodomy.
Tonight's for you ladies." *Loud cheers.*

Then up spake the King of Siam:
"For women I don't give a damn.
But a round-bottomed boy
Is my pride and my joy.
They can call me a bugger! I am!"

Then up spoke a Hindu mahout:
"Now, what's all this blathering about?
Why, I shoot my gunk
Up an Elephant's trunk..."
*Cries of "fraud!" "He's a shit!" "Throw him out!"*