The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64838   Message #1065748
Posted By: Gareth
04-Dec-03 - 08:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Good Things about the Iraq Occupation
Subject: RE: BS: The Good Things about the Iraq Occupatio
As a cynic I wonder why the arguments has changed from :-

(1) We know what Bio/Chemical Weapons Saddam has 'Cos we sold him them !


Saddam had no Bio/Chemical Weapons.

(2) The USA created Saddam therefore his brutality is our fault


The USA created Saddam therefore we had no right to remove him.

(3) UN Sanctions will work


UN sanctions were wrong.

(4) The US Oil Barons control the worlds oil production through bribary and corruption on a universal scale


We invaded Iraq to contol the Oil.

Hmmm ! Me thinks that when discussing Bush Jnr objectivity goes out the window.

Finally, if my memory serves the only poison gases used in Nazi Germany were used Carbon Monoxide, and Zyclon B. - Used as agents of Genocide against those classified as "sub human".

I was not aware that America sold Nazi Germany Carbon Monoxide, I thought that you produced this through the incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons.

Zyclon B is better nown as this Click 'Ere a widely used industrial chemical.

I believe that it is still sold and used (under restriction these days) as a method of pest control - Probably a more humane method of Rabbit control than myxemitosis. (SP)

No doubt some 'Catter more knowledgeble than myself will correct my very fading chemistry - But the basic facts are there.

Yup, I can see it now, that nasty facist FDR ordering shipments of Zyclon B across the Atlantic, through the teeth of the Royal Navy blockade, to the common foe and feeding the death machine.
