The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64969   Message #1066333
Posted By: GUEST,ClaireBear
05-Dec-03 - 05:57 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Wild Rover - not that one, the nice one
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Wild Rover - not that one, the nice one
My late and lamented band, Cyderman's Fancy, released a version of this song on cassette about 20 years ago. It was what we laughingly call "my big hit" because there was a radio station in Fresno, California that got hold of the tape and gave it significant airplay -- but outside of Fresno, nobody ever heard it.

The song was was in minor and rather slow -- but, I hasten to add, this was before converting things to minor and doing them slowly was trendy, so it was ok. I quite liked it, actually.

(Did your lot learn your version from us, Radriano? Or is it a different one?)

I learned it from a breathtakingly beautiful Kentigern recording of it (on an eponymous LP from, I think, 1976).
