The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65016   Message #1067215
Posted By: Rapparee
07-Dec-03 - 10:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: The best cheese is Lancashire!
Subject: RE: BS: The best cheese is Lancashire!
ABSOLUTELY NOT, DtG. *I* have arrived, and *I* created you and everyone else, as *I* am a Solipsist. YOUR petty likes and dislikes come from *my* desires, and *I'm* getting pretty annoyed with you right now and may uncreate you.

Geez. I've eaten Roquefort right in the caves and it was outstanding. I've eaten Star Valley cheese in Star Valley and it's terrific. I've eaten Tillamock from Oregon and it's very, very good. NY white cheddar? -- great stuff. Cheese curd ("rubber cheese" from the sound it makes on your teeth) from a good cheese maker is a gift from the gods, especially if it's scooped right from the tank. Swiss, French, Italian, Irish, Canadian, Mexican -- if it's good cheese it's good cheese and anything else is rampant regionalism of the sort that has started wars.

Back in 1965 I was walking the levees along the Upper River (there is but One River) during a flood. The Red Cross brought bad coffee and cheese sandwiches. It was some sort of processed cheese slices and the slices were old -- in fact, fossils of them were later found in Montana. One chap in my group couldn't eat the cheese, so he stuck it to the bottom of his boots, walked a mile, and found that the cheese was slightly scuffed but otherwise undamaged. THAT was bad cheese.

I've mentioned the cheeses of Roquefort, but we haven't even touched on chevre or cheeses made from mare's milk. Canada, for instance, produced some chevre that is equal to anything produced by France.

DtG, my creation, I will ask you a question to which I of course already know the answer: Have you even drunk English WINE? And I mean wine made in England from grapes grown there.