The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65026   Message #1067283
Posted By: Noreen
07-Dec-03 - 12:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cheese Course at dinner
Subject: RE: BS: Cheese Course at dinner
At least four cheeses, jimmy, up to seven or so.... :0) As much variety as you can muster- I would have for example:
Brie (soft French), medium Cheddar (general purpose English that most people like) Wensleydale with cranberries (English mild crumbly with fruit) and Blue Stilton or Danish Blue.

Friend Stuart chips in to say that small bunches of grapes, definitely green but also red if you choose, should decorate the cheeseboard, and a selection of nuts, definitely walnuts (I'd not bother with the nuts myself...)

Serve with port (he says a good port, at least 10 yrs old- perhaps an old port like Hull?)