The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64838   Message #1067317
Posted By: Don Firth
07-Dec-03 - 01:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Good Things about the Iraq Occupation
Subject: RE: BS: The Good Things about the Iraq Occupatio
Yeah, sledge, the way the media operates in the U. S., "Saddam's WMDs Found!!!" appears in three-inch headlines on page one. A week or three later, they may or may not print a retraction, saying, "Golly gee, a slight misinterpretation of the evidence was made and what were thought to be WMDs turned out to be a showcase full of carpenter's hammers in a Baghdad hardware store. Sorry about that." And the retraction appears on page 38, somewhere between the obits and the classified ads. Fox News doesn't bother to report the retraction at all.

Don Firth