The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2511   Message #10679
Posted By: Jack
18-Aug-97 - 03:34 PM
Thread Name: Family sing-alongs
Subject: RE: Family sing-alongs
Singing was something we used to do as a family to pass the time on long road trips.

Our traditional "setting out" song for vacations was an old song Carmen Miranda use to sing



Where we goin' whatta we gonna do?

We're on our way to somewhere the three of us and you.

Who will be there, what'll we see there' who will be the big suprise?

There may be caballero's with dark and flasing eyes!

Were on our way

Pack up your pack

And if we stay

We won't come back

We don't know why

And we have'nt got a dime

But were goin' and were gonna have a happy time.

And once, while on our way to our favorite aunt and uncle's house in Kentucky, my mom was driving through an intense freak blizzard south of Columbus. Trucks were jacknifed it seemed every half mile. Mom, who is anxious at the best of times, was out-of-her-mind nervous and wanted to pull off, get a hotel and wait till the next day. Neither me or my brother wanted to wait even one extra day, even to be safe. So every time she said she was going to stop, we never argued, but we'd strike up a chorus of High Hopes (you know, "Just what makes that little old ant, Think he'll move a rubber tree plant, everyone knows an ant can't..."), until she agreed to keep the white VW bug moving south just a little further. Eventually we out-drove the blizzard just outside of Dayton, and had clear sailing to Lexington. Mom still tells the story of how her two nut sons got her to risk the whole family's lives because of that damn song.
