The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65058   Message #1068283
Posted By: Trevor
09-Dec-03 - 04:43 AM
Thread Name: Nerves
Subject: RE: Nerves
Good point Diva, about the audience not knowing about your nerves. Another thing to remember is that, generally speaking, your audience wishes you well. Yeah, I know that sometimes they're testing you out, but more often that not they want it to be OK - that's what they're there for, not to be embarrassed on your behalf.

Also as Fred says, knowing that lots of other people feel the same can help. One of the local regulars, who I have been in awe of for years, told me recently that he always feels uptight before performing a song, and talking to most of the others there is at least a feeling of nervous anticipation, even if its just as your turn in the pub singaround approaches.

And having made a living for the last thirty years out of standing in front of people and 'performing', if I didn't feel nervous before a presentation I'd be worried that I was dead!

Did you get the job Fred?