The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65058   Message #1068315
Posted By: mooman
09-Dec-03 - 05:55 AM
Thread Name: Nerves
Subject: RE: Nerves
I'm afraid to disagree with some esteemed colleagues above!

I think too much is made of nervousness being a good thing IMHO. The adrenalin rush is definitely beneficial once one is performing. I used to get quite nervous before going on but after years of meditation now see any performance as "no big deal at all", even a big gig. This helps and relaxes me a lot. When I make a mistake (and I make a lot), I now don't get too bothered and either turn it into a "deliberate variation", a joke or just disregard it. I've seen dozens of top musicians fluffing stuff up over years and it really doesn't matter unless you let it bother you and affect the rest of your performance.

I used to play for years with an otherwise virtuoso fiddler who couldn't remember at all how many A, B, C, D and even E parts he had played. It even got included as an amusing feature of the act with me feigning complete bewilderment on occasion! When playing at dances, he often used to face away from the audience and get completely carried away. On one or two occasions, when I noticed one or two dancers beginning to expire after the tenth tune, I had to give him a kick or "pull the plug" to stop him playing.

Don't get too bothered Les and, most of all, relax and enjoy yourself!

