The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60254   Message #1068331
Posted By: Two_bears
09-Dec-03 - 06:45 AM
Thread Name: Is a polymer flute sacrilegious?
Subject: RE: Is a polymer flute sacrilegious?
I play the wooden Native American flute. I have one bade by Fretwell Flutes made from ash, and one made by Spirit Wind Flutes made from cedar.

Over years; I have owned flutes made by Stellar flutes, 2 flutes made by High Spirits Flutes, and flutes made by Native Americans Two flutes made by a legaly blind Cherokee flute maker "Wiser Buffalo", and a flute made by Seminole flute maker "Running Fox". I have sold all of them for one reason or another.

I am telling you that because I fully intend to buy a polymer flute as soon as I can find one I like.

There are several reasons to buy a polymer flute, and personaly; I don't care what others think of my playing a polymer flute.

1. you need to play the flute outside when it is very cold. (warm breath inside the chamber will cause the wood to expand, and the cold wood outside can cause the flute to split)

2. a polymer flute to take along when you travel. (This is why I will buy a polymer flute)

3. You can play the flute for longer periods of time and the flute will not get water logged from the moisture of your breath.

4. Introduce a child to the flute at an affordable cost.

5. the polymer flute can take more abuse than a quality wood flute.