The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65071   Message #1068384
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
09-Dec-03 - 08:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: How to Get Fat Without Really Trying
Subject: RE: BS: How to Get Fat Without Really Trying
We have a new advertising campaign here for a soft drink - dunno what it is called cos I don't drink fizzy stuff. But the ad is for the new sugar-free version & there is a pile of sugar cubes beside the can - the caption is something witty about no sugar was hurt in making this drink. There are over 12 CUBES in the pile!! And the can is smaller than the regulation cola/beer can (more exclaimation marks)

I'm so pleased I don't drink sugared fizzy stuff. I don't like the sugar-free artifically sweetened ones, either.

I love reading ingredient lists on foodstuffs - the Energy Bars (so-called) are my favourite - one contained 6 kinds of sugar. I won't mention the kid-directed breakfast cereals.

One day a colleague commented on my thick wholegrain salad & chicken sandwich & said I should have what he had - 8 slices of white bread pap with margarine & something (hardly any nutrition there). Maybe if he ate decent food ...

But this is the bloke who invented the sausage roll roll (the sausage roll is placed inside a bread roll!!) Meat & pastry inside a bread roll, I still can't believe it.

This bloke was my supervisor at the time & introduced one of his younger male staff members to this treat. Maybe I should have reported him for harassment? or going against the Health & Safety guidelines by putting his staff in danger??

I wonder what his 14 year old son eats. Like father like son, I guess.
