The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63519   Message #1068405
Posted By: GUEST,Bee-dubya-el's Secretive-type Jolly Old Elf
09-Dec-03 - 09:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Santa Goofy Hints 2003
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa Goofy Hints 2003
It's on its way, probably on mammalian wings (well, it's not being brought to you by Rudolf the Red-Nosed Gila Monster).

From somewhere in the New Nighted Snakes -- Florabama is still considered to be New Nighted Snakes territory, innit? From somewhere north of the snow line. (All the gila monsters are hibernating. Snakes, too.)

Ho! Ho! Ho! and all that.