The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65058   Message #1068411
Posted By: Sam L
09-Dec-03 - 09:56 AM
Thread Name: Nerves
Subject: RE: Nerves
Mooman--I think that's a good idea. Whatever you do or tend to do, make it part of your personality as a performer. You give the audience permission to take you as you are.

That said, there are a lot of things I play, that I wouldn't play as a gig thing, or at least not until I was warmed up and comfy. Nerves affect my fingerstyle stuff more than say, flatpicking. So I tend to start out with thumpier, broader stuff.

I saw a kid melt down at a school drama showcase a few weeks ago--it was awful. I think it was a bad idea to have one child have to come out and start the play--get them all to do something together first, and it would take some pressure of the kid, having to start off cold like that in front of her whole school.

Thanks for asking Trevor--I don't know. They get back to you in a few weeks. I auditioned in both music and visual art. Maybe I'll get one of them.