The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65071   Message #1068495
Posted By: LilyFestre
09-Dec-03 - 12:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: How to Get Fat Without Really Trying
Subject: RE: BS: How to Get Fat Without Really Trying
As an overweight person I am very happy to see that someone else has posted that some folks are overweight due to medical conditions or as a side effect of medications, etc.

Further more, I find it interesting that someone posted about junk food, television and the game boy.....I am curious as to how many people think that is what most fat people do? Do you not have friends or know of people who are thin and maintain that kind of lifestyle? Do you wonder why it is that they don't gain the weight? It is my opinion that all bodies are different and are meant to look different....who cares about the number, it's the HEALTH factor that is truly important. Sure, I'd love to be a thin person for probably all the vanity reasons there are....HOWEVER....I would rather remain an obese woman in good health...can the two go together? ABSOLUTELY.

Ok...I'm off on a tangent...I'm really curious to how many people REALLY think that most fat/obese/overweight people are indulging themselves daily with hours of time on the couch with a game boy in hand.
