The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65071   Message #1068508
Posted By: Peg
09-Dec-03 - 12:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: How to Get Fat Without Really Trying
Subject: RE: BS: How to Get Fat Without Really Trying
Speaking only for my own remarks, I made the comment about video games as their overuse relates to obesity in CHILDREN and I think that was pretty clear.

Of course it's true that some people are overweight or obese due to medical conditions, but that's not who most people are talking    about when they're talking about an obesity epidemic in America.   That's what we have, and there are reasons for it that are fairly    obvious.

And of course some people are overweight and healthy...but we are talking about the obese, those whose weight is well above what is considered healthy. I should think it would be very difficult to be carrying around more than 300 pounds if you are under 6 feet tall, and be healthy...If you get winded climbing a flight of stairs or walking for more than ten minutes, you are not a healthy person. (Unless of course you are in a wheelchair and cannot walk or climb stairs)