The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65084   Message #1068551
Posted By: Bobert
09-Dec-03 - 01:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bushes Visit, Email From Soldier
Subject: RE: BS: Bushes Visit, Email From Soldier
Well, there is absolutely no doubt about the partisan nature of the author of this email... Died in the wool Republican... Can't say anything about anything without draggin' a Clinton in to bash. Normal!

This person is just one person who has biases and prejudices of, ahhhh... one danged person and *not* those of everyone servin' in Iraq.

As for the trip, I do give credit to Bush for going but I deduct points for dragging the media with him when those in the media were not allowed to talks with any of the troops?!?!?... But given the way that Bush has manipulated so much information and been so secretrive, I don't find this to be out of his paranoid character...

As for Mrs. Clinton's trip. I think she also deserves credit. She went to a less stable environment with most of Afganistan being in control of warlords and Taliban and she went announced. Granted, the schedule was leaked but she still went. And she also went to Iraq but neither of these two visits seemed to appeal to Bush's yes-men in the media...

And the beat goes on...
