The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65084   Message #1068829
Posted By: Gareth
09-Dec-03 - 07:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bushes Visit, Email From Soldier
Subject: RE: BS: Bushes Visit, Email From Soldier

I am glad to see some consistancy in your posts in that you conceed that Bush Jnr is not a half wit (ever since I pointed out that both thee and hee had university degrees.)

Liar - On Iraq I think not.


Bush Jnr has not been charged with any crime in his financial deallings - But then this is the same 'Legal' system that releases IRA thugs on the grounds that they would not face a fair trial in the Uk and that the IRA was/is an organization that treets prisoners fairly, and does not wage war on civilians. (We can't have it both ways)- Does O J Simpson ring a bell ???

Bush Jnr did not serve in Viet-Nam - That was HIS choice. Tho I concur his reactions after 9/11/01 were the same action I would expect any President to make.

The Florida vote was "bent" - It is no credit to Al Gore that he dropped legal action.
