The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65058   Message #1069019
Posted By: LadyJean
10-Dec-03 - 01:19 AM
Thread Name: Nerves
Subject: RE: Nerves
I got my driver's license 6 years ago. I'd been told that I wouldn't be able to learn to drive, so I was really nervous, whent I took my lessons. I would dash off to the toilet, the minute the lesson was done.
Until one day a friend said something I didn't care for, and I took my next lesson mad as hell! We drove down Negley Hill, experienced drivers avoid it, but I was cool, calm and collected right down to the bottom.

Before I took the test I had a big liverwurst sandwich. I was worried, but not about driving. I passed the test. There's a lot to be said for distractions.