The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65111   Message #1069169
10-Dec-03 - 06:38 AM
Thread Name: Jim Moray....
Subject: RE: Jim Moray....
At last, "the king`s new suit of clothes" open for discussion.
Some months ago I took Mike Harding to task, via an e-mail, for describing a new Jim Moray CD (his words) as "the most fantastic folk music he`d heard in ages". My opinion was that young Jim`s singing would be appreciated by most folk club audiences as a floor spot and , with youth on his side, he has plenty of time to develop a stronger style and better interpretations of the music, but to use the word "fantastic" was very wide of the mark. I also suggested there are so many more singers and players to be heard who should be also considered, many of which are not to be found on CD`s.
I received no reply!!
People`s/Pub/Folk/Session music is alive and well and to be found thriving all over ; it is not in need of being re-discovered for "the yufe", they will learn to love or discard it in the fullness of time as many of us have done.