The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65084   Message #1069229
Posted By: Nigel Parsons
10-Dec-03 - 07:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bushes Visit, Email From Soldier
Subject: RE: BS: Bushes Visit, Email From Soldier
Minutes of 'Top Secret' Pentagon meeting

O.k. so we need to boost the President's popularity, and keep the public behind us in Iraq, what can we do?

How about we send him out there to fight?

Don't be stupid, he'd never agree!

A big meeting with all the commanders there, maybe for Thanksgiving?

That's better, but we want to catch the common touch.

O.k. a big Thanksgiving dinner in Iraq, attended by the big boys and other ranks, maybe by length of service, or a raffle?

Great, start organising it. Say about 500 guests drawn by lot from the lower ranks. But keep it quiet.

Shall I book CNN for the coverage? They can keep quiet until it's happened.

Better not. With CNN there everyone will think it's propaganda.

But it is!

Yes, but we don't want the public to know that. Some of them are getting cynical about the news releases we 'allow'.

O.k. I'll organise it, but keep it quiet. Can I tell the President?

(Pause) Yes, but tell him to keep it secret as well. And tell him to dust off one of his CinC uniforms ready for the occasion.

Some weeks later, after Thanksgiving:

Well, the Thanksgiving dinner went off fine, but I don't see the propaganda value, press coverage was sporadic, and it didn't make a big splash.

That's to be expected, did you get the file I requested?

Yes, "Censored mail report for serving troops in Iraq", here it is.

Good, now just find a glowing report of the dinner, either in writing or email, that makes the dinner look like the high point of a soldiers service life.....

O.k. we're down to half a dozen, all suitably glowing and also naive. Any of them sent to a small community?

Why a small community?

Everyone knows everyone else's business, and that tends to keep them honest. Scams, sorry, News always comes better from honest people!

There's an email here going to a soldier's parents in Smalltown Idaho.

That's just what we need. (Walks to phone) "Hello is that the Smalltown Tribune? ... I was just checking, is it true Jenny Jones went to that Thanksgiving dinner with the President? .... Oh, you don't know, O.k. I'll check with her folks.. Thanks"

Now what?

We sit back and allow the press to do their work ferreting out the original of that email. I have great trust in the efficiency and impartiality of the press. They'll do our job for us.