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Thread #65084   Message #1069333
Posted By: Bobert
10-Dec-03 - 10:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bushes Visit, Email From Soldier
Subject: RE: BS: Bushes Visit, Email From Soldier
Yo, T-Bird:

There you go again trying to portray this ol' hillbilly as some kind of blind idealist who just invents stuff. Well, we both know that isn't accurate. If you want to be a pixil then that' your business. I'd rather be lookin' at the picture, thatnk you very much.

Now, as fir why there isn't "proof" that Bush is a liar, a thief and a crook all one has to do is look at who is in charge. We have the fox guarding the hen house and these foxes ain't gonna let no investigations take place that might allow the proof to, ahhh, like surface. Heck, a plane crashes off the New England coast line and we send divers down to retrieve evry danged piece of it and reassemble it in a hanger at a cost of millions of dollars. But let 19 Suadis hyjack 4 planes and use them as weapons against us and, other than invading two countries and running the Bill of Rights thru the shreader, we make little effort to look into why this could have happened, who knew what... and when? Go figure. Had Clinton been president, the Repubs would had an investigation that makes the Ken Starr circus look like a kids puppet show...

Now as fir the theft of the elction, same thing. The proof is there but the Repubs control Congress so you can bet the farm that there won't be an investigation on that one either. But you had a company with close ties to the Republican Party hired by the Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris given the power to remove felons from the voting rolls. Problem is that most of the folks who were removed weren't felon and most were black, who voted predominently Democratic in Florida in 2000. If you'd like the details, since you're a detail kinda guy, I'd be more than happy to share my copy of Greg Palist's book "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy". He's got photcopies of documents and interviews with folks who worked inside the governemnt. If Ken Starr had this one to investigate, after reading the book, I'm surew you'd agree that it would be a slam dunk and both Bush's would be out of office along with Katherine Harris.

Now, as fir the lies. If the Congress was contolled by Democrats, there would be a massive investigation of the *Big Three* (WMD, Mushroom clouds and Saddam's link to Al Qaeda. But what we're seeing is sand-bagging and an attempt to run out the clock on this one. George Tenent has said that his folks told Bush not to play the *Nuke Card* but when Bush was thirsting for a war, he played it anyway. Now the revisionists are trying to shift the story back the other way. Give them enuff time and they'll have Bush being the the president who cut down the cherry tree...

What we have is a very corrupt government comprised of individuals willing to do or say anything to keep in power. You have Repubs in Congress who routinely lock Democrats out of comittee's that write massive legislation (Energy bill, Medicare). You call that democracy?

You've asked for details. Half the American people want the deatils, also but with these crooks in control, perhaps historians will dig them up after it's too late...

I have, however, provided you the resource on the theft of the lection, should you be willing and open minded enough to read the book I've offered. If, not, then so be it for your professed interests in details...
