The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52020   Message #1069531
Posted By: Willie-O
10-Dec-03 - 01:22 PM
Thread Name: TECH: cabletv internet Mudcatters
Subject: RE: TECH: cabletv internet Mudcatters
Wow--so people in the UK actually use that "Internet toaster" system? My sister-in-law works at Compaq (now H-P) Stateside, about five years ago she showed me a "white paper" that they would be the next big thing, make the net for everyone, not just computer-owners. They came out in North America and pretty much sank without a ripple in a year or two.

So I'm curious. I've never before heard of anyone who actually uses one of these.

Obviously there are some limitations--is it cheap enough to be worthwhile? Can you also get a broadband cable modem connection--the preferred way to use cable for internet in N.A.--and would it be more expensive?   

And does any Catter in North America use the Internet Toaster?

Just curious...
