The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64838   Message #1069928
Posted By: Amos
10-Dec-03 - 11:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Good Things about the Iraq Occupation
Subject: RE: BS: The Good Things about the Iraq Occupatio
FOlks, I yam here to tell you that the favorite refrain in MBA courses in our age is the notion that businesses only exist to turn a profit, and making money is the be-all and end-all, summum bonum and raison d'etre of a business.

Now it is obvious that a business needs to make money like a car needs gas. But the purpose of a car is not to take in gas, now is it? So let us not be sillyhere. Businesses must make money to continue t exist but they also have a purpose in the lives of those concerned -- to bring about better survival, improve the futures of those participating, and contribute to the civilization in some way.

These wisenheimers who preach money as the purpose of business have their tailbones wrapped around their neckbones. Thew notion that a business that makes money is by definition a successful business is just ridiculous. By this line of reasoning, a drug pusher is a successful businessman, and so is someone who kidnaps babies and sells them.

This, too, is the kind of "CEO_think" that informs the MBAs in DC just now. It is not about decency or practicality. It's about dough. This is short-sightedness incarnate.